Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Weekend!

It's Friday, and I could not be happier!  I’m getting closer and closer to winding down at my job, and I’m really looking forward to the big move and having more free time. So, apologies for the lack of blog posts lately, but I’ll be back on top of it soon.

Guess what I’m going to do this weekend?? I’m going to make some bread. Seriously. It’s totally Martha, right? It’s one of my goals, on my to-do before I’m thirty list, so I figure the long weekend is a great time to get ‘er done. Ew. Can’t believe I just wrote that.

Anywho, I came across this recipe for no knead bread in the NY Times, and I have been waiting and waiting to try. I’ll let you know how it works out.

Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Image via Williams Sonoma


  1. I, for one, am looking forward to eating this.

  2. You can definitely have some, but you have to change that profile picture, first. :)


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