Saturday, February 27, 2010

Inspiration Part II

*Wipes sweat from brow* Phew. If you’re not the type to cut up magazines—I guess there ARE some of you out there—I have great news. It seems so simple, and frankly quite obvious, but I never put two and two together. Once I actually started doing it, it was like a little revolution. If you know me, you will know that I LOATHE technology, but trust me, this is simple. If you see something you this:

or this lovely:

Simply do the following:

1. right click
2. save picture as
3. drop into your “inspiration folder”
4. bonus points for sub folders organized by room type—kitchen, bedroom, etc. (super bonus points for folders organized by room element—bedroom: paint colors, living room: artwork)

And VOILA! A less messy, quicker and easier way to file (and find) your dream rooms, your somedays and your if onlys.

The interwebs offers a host of BEAUTIFUL design content. Here are a few of my favorite spots for design inspiration:

Apartment Therapy
Young House Love
Brooklyn Limeston
Style Me Pretty
Style Court

There are quite literally thousands more. The wealth of design content on the internet is so inspiring. There are dream rooms and sources, DIY disasters, ideas, tips, hints, tutorials and more. My age old obsession has suddenly gone digital.

What are your favorite sources for design inspiration? What am I missing out on?

Inspiration Part I

Ever since I can remember I’ve collected magazines. And torn pages out of them. It started with Teen. And then Seventeen. A subscription to House Beautiful when I was about 13 (it was—and still is—only $12 for a whole year!). A flirtation with Cosmo, Glamour, Vogue. An obsession with InStyle, Real Simple. Moving on to Domino (R.I.P.), O At Home, Elle Decor. I had amassed huge amounts of disorganized piles. Exhibit A:


A while ago, I finally went out to Tar-Jay and bought pretty binders and sleeves:

Yet, despite their prettiness and my best intentions, I couldn’t keep up with my habit. And last week I decided I’d had it. Culling my ginormous collection did take some time. Actually, it took a lot of time, but I did it. I meticulously cataloged and sorted all my photos, all my dream rooms…all my “some days”…all my “if onlys”…it was pretty darn therapeutic. And strangely rewarding. I found myself flipping through my binders. JUST. FOR. FUN. Weird. What can I say? I’ve always been the kind of person who gets a strange thrill from cleaning out a junk drawer. Some day I’ll get some tabbed dividers and make these even MORE organized, but until then, I’ll just enjoy the finished product; beautifully sorted, organized and stored:


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Warm Up

Ok here goes. I’m jumping in. For the past year or so, I’ve been a voracious consumer of just about all of the design blog content on the interwebs. Now, it’s time to pay my dues. Play my part. Er. Start my own blog.

Honesty is the best policy so here it is: I’m nervous. I've always thought I had a good eye, I've always thought I could do this, but it's scary to actually try. And while we’re being really honest: I want you all to like me…to REEEAAALLYYY like me. What can I say? I am a middle child afterall.

My goal is simple and personal. I want to create more meaning in my life. I am taking baby steps here, but I am hoping that the best way to find fulfillment is to think about what makes you truly happy, what speaks to your heart, and what makes it sing. Then the hard part is figuring out a way to just DO that one thing. Everyday.

What speaks to my heart and makes it sing is design: making the best of what you have and making it lovely. Making a home, making room for family and love. Fixing, creating, and doing so that life gets just a little bit better. I am turning the page on what makes my life dark and stormy and I am starting a new chapter. I’m hoping I’ll learn, I’m hoping I’ll grow, and I’m hoping to find my meaning. Thanks for coming with me.
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